Pha Pro

PHA-Pro, the leading Process Hazard Analysis and HAZOP software, assists organizations with the implementation of risk studies perfectly and very easily, resulting in a more responsive and efficient business process. It is more useful in process industries such as oil and gas, chemicals, and pharmaceuticals.

Our PHA-Pro software is the most recognized and respected hazard identification and risk assessment tool for strengthening the risk assessment process. It helps identify, assess and control the impact of process-related risk. And Our expert facilitators have extensive experience performing risk assessments based on any methodology, including. “PHA-Pro software has been and continues to be a tremendous asset to our internal review process for EH&S. In addition to conducting the traditional reviews, it has allowed us to input our own set of questions. It has truly helped us with a starting point to providing consistent reviews for all of our processes.” Wyeth.

License of Sphera PHA Pro is highly expensive, but if you feel it is very necessary for you to obtain for your project whether for professional or educational purpose and you are unable to pay the cost for license then I have a solution for you, just drop an email inquiry on following email ID:

Pha Prowlers

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As we all understand, weight loss or body fat reduction is really a numbers game. And “working out”, is a way of controlling the numbers (less calories in, more calories out and we can achieve the change weight loss clients desire). In the end, we understand that cardiovascular training and resistance training both have many desired benefits and that both should be done to achieve the best physical shape a person desires – but how can we get those “cardio queens” and “muscle building kings” to learn the benefits of both? One great way to get the most out of your program is to combine cardiovascular work with resistance training using a method called Peripheral Heart Action (PHA) Training. This method is similar to a regular circuit training method that keeps your client moving from one exercise to another with minimal to no rest in between exercises. However, with Peripheral Heart Action Training, while you are moving from one exercise to another, you are focusing on alternating upper and lower body exercises.


Muscle DevelopmentPower
ChestPush-upMedicine Ball Chest pass
LegsSquatIce skater
BackLat pulldownWoodchop throw
LegsLeg pressBox Jumps
ShouldersSeated shoulder pressMedicine ball scoop toss
LegsDumbbell lunges Lunge jumps

In traditional circuit training techniques, clients are asked to move quickly from one body part to another in a “circuit” fashion that allows each body part enough time to recover before the body part is worked again. Using a peripheral heart action (PHA) system, clients are performing a variation of circuit training, however they are simply alternating upper and lower body exercises. For example, your client would perform a chest press exercise, followed immediately by ball squat, followed again by a back exercise, immediately moving on to a leg exercise like a step-up, etc.

This method of training forces the blood to quickly circulate through the body, increasing caloric expenditure and theorized to decrease body fat and increase lean muscle mass.[1]

Overall, circuit training (in general) has been shown to increase caloric expenditure in comparison to similar traditional resistance training where a client may rest up to 90 seconds in between sets.[2] Key benefits of using a circuit training system such as peripheral heart action system include enhancing an aerobic base for clients, while simultaneously challenging local muscle endurance. Many clients may not be familiar with peripheral heart action training and thus, may have concerns about whether they can sustain the activity or whether or not they will be able to build muscle using this type of program.

Who can perform peripheral heart action training?

Most healthy individuals can perform this type of training. Whether your client wants to lose body fat, or increase muscle tone – this system of training can work for them. With increased movement comes increased caloric burn. This form of training gives weight loss clients “more bang for their buck”. This system can even be used for bodybuilders or recreational exercisers who wish to increase hypertrophy. While the rest periods between exercises may be greatly reduced (or non existent) this meets the requirements for hypertrophy. In fact, most individuals seeking hypertrophy tend to rest too long in between sets and lift too heavy to train appropriately for their desired goals. Remember that several factors are required for hypertrophy (high levels of volume with minimal rest periods force cellular changes that result in an overall increase in muscle size) – volume (3-5 sets; 6-12 repetitions), frequency (3-6 times a week), intensity (75-85% of 1 rep max), rest (0-60 s), and proper nutrition. As you can see, the PHA system works well for hypertrophy clients, allowing the proper rest and volume to achieve the desired goal – while even adding in a bonus of saving some time!

Athletes may receive the best benefit from PHA training. While endurance athletes must still engage in aerobic activity that significantly increases their maximal oxygen consumption, circuit training (which includes PHA training) increases maximal oxygen consumption 4-8% (significantly less than cardiovascular conditioning programs, but important in increasing local muscular endurance). [2,3]

Who should avoid peripheral heart action training?

Using the PHA system may put too much physiological stress on individuals who have blood pressure deviations (high/low blood pressure) and those who may be severely deconditioned. Individuals with special conditions, such as pregnant clients within their second or third trimester, may require more rest in-between exercises and dependent on the client, may want or need to avoid PHA training. Please remember that each client is unique and while some may be able to perform PHA workouts, other individuals may not be able to meet the cardiovascular and muscular demand. If individuals present with any condition listed above, proceed with caution and advise the client to seek medical advice. As with all physical conditioning programs, clients who may be at risk should consult their physician before initiating an exercise program.


Circuit Training – this consists of a series of exercises that an individual performs one after another with minimal rest.

Peripheral Heart Action System – a variation of circuit training in which the client performs 4-6 exercises in a row, rests 30-45 seconds, then moves to the next sequence of different exercises and continues the pattern.

Hypertrophy – enlargement of skeletal muscle fibers in response to overcoming force from high volumes of tension.

Maximal Oxygen Consumption – the use of oxygen by the body – generally accepted as the best means of gauging Cardiorespiratory fitness.


[1] Gettman LR; Ayres, JJ; Pollock, M.L.; Durstine, J.C.; and Grantham, W. Physiologic effects on adult men of circuit training and jogging. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1979 60:115-20.

[2] Gettman LR; Ayres, JJ; Pollock, M.L.; and Jackson, A. The effects of circuit weight training on strength, Cardiorespiratory function and body composition of adult men. Med Sci Sports. 1978 Fall;10(3):171-6.